
CapTipper is also a framework who supports plugins as extensions for the console. If you have an idea for a plugin, you should implement it and send it to me or make a PULL request to the GitHub repository.

Getting Started

All plugin modules must be placed inside the plugins/ directory. The modules are loaded by CapTipper automatically when launched.

A CapTipper plugin must import the ConsolePlugin interface from CTPlugin, inherent and implement it. The class implementing the ConsolePlugin must have the same name as the .py file.

The run(self, args) function is the entry point CapTipper will use to launch the plugin.

Hello World example (

from CTPlugin import ConsolePlugin

class my_first_plugin(ConsolePlugin):

    author = "Omri Herscovici"
    description = "Prints Hello World"

    def run(self, args):
        print "Hello World"

The plugin result can be printed out using the command print, or returned from the run function.

Global Structurs

CapTipper hold 3 main data structures containing all information:

  1. Conversations
  2. Objects
  3. Hosts
  • See Core chapter for more information about the data sets.

All of which, are accessible from the plugin class using:


Internal Functions

The ConsolePlugin interface contains important function that should be used when accessing relevant information:

  • get_name_by_id(obj_id) - Returns response object name (e.g “index.html”) of a given conversation id
  • get_body_by_id(obj_id) - Returns the raw response body of a given convesation
  • get_plaintext_body_by_id(obj_id) - Returns plaintext response body (e.g ungzipped in case needed)
  • is_valid_id(obj_id) - Checks if id sent to the plugin is a valid one

It is also easy to import other function from the CapTipper Core.

Let’s take a look at an example importing the ungzip function from CTCore:

from CTPlugin import ConsolePlugin
from CTCore import ungzip

class print_body(ConsolePlugin):

    description = "Prints the body of a conversation and ungzip if needed"
    author = "omriher"

    def run(self, args):
        id = int(args[0])
        if self.is_valid_id(id):
            if id < len(self.conversations) and self.conversations[id].magic_ext == "GZ":
                data, name = ungzip(id) # Ungzip imported from CTCore
                data = self.get_body_by_id(id)
            print "invalid id"

You can also see the use of the conversation internal variable magic_ext.

The best practice for getting the conversation body is by using the get_plaintext_body_by_id() function which will also ungzip the data if necessary.

Example #1

The following plugin imports the srcHTMLParser from CTCore, and searches external javascript referenced in a given conversation

from CTPlugin import ConsolePlugin
from CTCore import srcHTMLParser

class find_scripts(ConsolePlugin):

    description = "Finds external scripts included in the object body"
    author = "omriher"

    def run(self, args):
        if len(args) > 0:
            # Get the conversation ID
            id = int(args[0])

            # Checks if id is value
            if self.is_valid_id(id):

                # Gets conversation name
                name = self.get_name_by_id(id)
                print "[.] Searching for external scripts in object {} ({})...".format(str(id),name)

                # Get response body as text even in case it was Gzipped
                response_body = self.get_plaintext_body_by_id(id)

                # Create Parser instance and search for <script src="...
                parser = srcHTMLParser("script")

                # Prints results
                print "Invalid conversation ID {}".format(str(id))
            return "No arguments given"

Example #2

The following plugin checks if the host involved in a given conversation is still alive, using a socket object and the conversations stored IP and Port.

import socket

from CTPlugin import ConsolePlugin

class check_host(ConsolePlugin):

    description = "Checks if a given id's host is alive"
    author = "omriher"

    def run(self, args):
        if len(args) > 0:
            # Gets the conversation ID
            id = int(args[0])

            # Check if id number is a valid conversation
            if self.is_valid_id(id):

                # Get necessary information
                host = self.conversations[id].host
                ip, port = self.conversations[id].server_ip_port.split(":")

                # Logging
                print "Checking host {}".format(host)
                print "IP:PORT = {}:{}".format(ip,port)

                # Establishing connection
                s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
                    s.connect((ip, int(port)))
                    result = "[+] Server is alive !"
                    result = "[-] Server is dead"

                return result
                print "Invalid conversation ID {}".format(str(id))
            return "No arguments given"